Tracy Elliot is an Interior Designer based in Dublin, Ireland.
“Growing up in Dublin, I would walk or cycle everywhere. I found it impossible not to be constantly influenced by the surrounding streets of Georgian buildings, villas in Rathmines and Seapoint and the rows of red brick houses around town. Now, traveling as often as possible for work to meet suppliers across Europe, I am find myself being inspired by new architecture meeting historical buildings, colour, fabrics and materials.
My aim as an interior desginer is not to leave a label that I was here, but more an understated elegance with timeless backdrops, surrounded by perfectly proportioned and positioned furniture, never overcrowded.
The result creates an original design which feels completely like your home.
I can't do it all by myself, I am fortunate to work with crafts people and trades people with even more experience than my 25 years. I am constantly in awe of their dedication to each project and the skills to create by hand an original piece.”
-Tracy Elliott